Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Unclassed Choropleth Maps

This map is an example of an unclassed choropleth map. In these types of maps we get a map that take a more artistic look at the information. The site from which the image came from states that these maps are nice in that they simply just let the "data speak for itself." There generally are no numbers present in the legend as we can see. There is simply a gradient bar moving from "low" to "high." So, when moving to the map itself, we can see that in the real world, for whatever variable this map is looking at, the deeper reds would mean higher numbers. The downfall to this type of map is that when we need hard numbers to back up the information, we can't generally find it here. One of the upsides though, is that we don't have to worry about the tedious work of separating the different data sets into even classes. This map is a good tool to use when needing to make a map that gives us a general overview of a data set without needing all the numbers and classes.

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